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Leading From Love

Join us on a journey of love-infused leadership and unleash your full potential with 'Leading From Love' by Helena Clayton…

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Leadership Development
The expert as leader

The Expert as Leader

People skilled in specialist technical or professional areas are often wary of taking on leadership roles. Those technical experts that…

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Leadership Development
Photo of laces tied together

A Field Guide to Collaboration

This paper was a finalist in the 2016 Research Competition and explores the topic of collaboration and what it actually…

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Leadership Development
Photo of people putting their hands together

The Lived Experience of Trust

Most of the studies on trust in organisations have taken a cross-sectional approach (snapshot view) and looked at it at…

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Leadership Development
Photo of four stick men, one holding a big heart

Compassionate Leadership

If you search the phrase ‘compassion at work’ on the internet you will find numerous articles calling for more compassionate…

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Leadership Development
Photo of red ladder going upwards in a blue sky

Fundamentals of Coaching

Coaching has become increasingly used within organisations to provide a learning experience for leaders and managers where complexity and change…

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