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How to engage and motivate your team

How to engage and motivate your team

Why does employee engagement matter? In the workplace, studies consistently show that motivated employees outperform their counterparts. If your employees aren’t passionate about their jobs, and keen to make a difference, it’s a serious issue. Productivity will go down, and customer service and staff retention will suffer. But how do you motivate your team? Motivation…

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Leadership Development
photo of paper boats representing leadership

Leading teams – it’s a new team when the team leader changes

I decided to write this blog because I have been coaching several leaders and managers who have taken up new leading team roles and six months later are struggling with the dynamics within their teams. They are struggling with teams that have performed well in the past but have struggled to transition to the new…

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Leadership Development
Unconscious bias image

Is football only a game?

A lot of beer, prosecco and designer gin was spluttered and spilt last week, as the proposal of the breakaway European Super League first rose and then faltered. But oh, the outcry was deafening. The self-appointed, entitled and heavily endowed elites appeared to be pulling up the drawbridge and taking our football away with them…

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Leadership Development
Representing a symbol of gender inequality

4 tips on how to approach the role of gender inequality in leadership

I, like many in corporate and academic environments have been discriminated against because of my gender. I have been treated unfairly because I am female. As a result, I have chosen to leave jobs because my pay was considerably lower than my male colleagues, even though I was doing the same work, had the same…

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Leadership Development
Who are you in crisis?

Who are you in crisis?

Before I make an attempt to answer this question, I would like to take a closer look at the etymological definition of the word “crisis”, so that we can all find a common point of reference. It turns out, it originally comes from the Greek word κρίσις (krisis) which means discrimination, decision. The noun is…

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Leadership Development

Remote viewpoints – keeping your finger on the (virtual) pulse

During the fallout from the much-talked-about Oprah Winfrey interview with the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, I must say I was more intrigued by the resignation of a key media figure. And no I don’t mean Piers Morgan. I am referring to the resignation of Ian Murray the Executive Director of a media industry body…

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Leadership Development
Understanding Group Dynamics – what every leader should know

Understanding Group Dynamics – what every leader should know

Group Dynamics? That’s the thing that facilitators and OD specialists need to know about, right?  Absolutely, but managers and leaders of people need to know about it too! Take this scenario for example.  As a leader you have a number of different teams in your area of responsibility.  You have a particular issue that needs…

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Leadership Development
The Art of Listening 1

The Art of Listening

Are you listening to me?  Listening is the ability to receive and interpret messages in a communication process.  Without being able to listen effectively, messages are easily misunderstood and communication breaks down.  Various studies demonstrate that many of us spend 70% to 80% of our waking hours in some form of communication. During that time…

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Leadership Development
Photo of keys and padlock

Why coaching matters in leadership development

It’s hard to be a leader in the best of times, but the Covid-19 pandemic crisis has suddenly and dramatically upended the working world as we know it, creating unanticipated business and leadership challenges that were unthinkable 18 months ago. Leaders must now dig deep into their skill sets to meet the challenges of a…

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An image of a typewriter with the word inspiration written above

7 of the Most Inspiring Leadership Stories

Inspiring Leadership Stories Inspiring leadership stories comes not just from decision making and strategy, it comes from risk taking, going against the grain, often when you’re driven by a higher cause, a deep care for others or a complete conviction that you’re acting for the greater good. Here we weigh up some of the successes…

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Leadership Development
Photo of glass breaking

Women in leadership: 5 ideas to help break through the glass ceiling

In early 2020, I left my house in the suburbs to give a talk to a group of formidable women in the heart of Dublin city centre. As was normal then, the morning traffic was building on the streets, although the day had quite broken. Buses, bikes, and those amazing people who run to work…

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Leadership Development

Leadership in Asia: Leadership Challenges through Covid-19

Whilst East Asia has been praised for responding to the COVID-19 pandemic faster and better than most of the West, it’s not been without its challenges, and with no end in sight, it continues to be a work in progress.  As every country struggles with the economic impact of the pandemic, every leader has at…

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Leadership Development
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