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Coaching Principles

We have a number of guiding principles that underpin our Coaching conversations.

The client-consultant relationship is key

Coaching Principle 1

Our experienced and highly skilled coaches pay attention to establishing an effective working relationship with the coachee, contracting to agree boundaries of confidentiality and to assist them to gain the most from the coaching programme. The coaching will include providing feedback, asking questions, balancing support and challenge and acting as a mirror of the relationship that the coachee holds as a leader with others.

Every client is an individual

Coaching Principle 2

We adopt a flexible, client-centred approach to the coaching process that takes into account individual client differences and preferences. This includes using a variety of methods and models to best suit the individual rather than a “one size fits all” approach.

Coaching works best from a whole person perspective

Coaching Principle 3

We believe that an individual’s effectiveness at work is inextricably linked to who they are as a person and how they are in life generally. Our coaches are skilled in working with both the presenting issue and underlying factors. This might involve challenging self-limiting beliefs and helping the individual recognise they have the full resources needed to tackle a situation or adjust a response.

Every client is an individual

Coaching Principle 2

We encourage our coachees to own and understand the coaching process, so that they too can act as more effective coaches within their own context. This means that good coaching practice stretches beyond the client-coach relationship.

Change in behaviour usually comes from within

Coaching Principle 5

We believe that an individual’s effectiveness at work is inextricably linked to who they are as a person and how they are in life generally. Our coaches are skilled in working with both the presenting issue and underlying factors. This might involve challenging self-limiting beliefs and helping the individual recognise they have the full resources needed to tackle a situation or adjust a response.

Practical outputs and outcomes are key

Coaching Principle 2

We will aim to ensure that the coachee leaves each coaching session with tangible outcomes or tasks that might include actions, exploration, reflection, writing a diary or learning log, noticing their own and others reactions, having courageous conversations etc.

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